This is me spewing excitement about my trip to London & Chile from 31/01-9/03/2008. I've never had a blog before, so please bear with me as I figure it out... I hope you enjoy.

Saturday, February 2, 2008

In transit

31/01. My flight to Singapore was very smooth and comfortable. The Bourne Identity, a documentary on chocolate and 2.16L of water later, I was in Singapore.

Changi Airport. Wow. It's huge. I was met with a flurry of light and colour - then I put on my glasses and noticed the armed guards with very big guns. That made me walk between terminals a little faster.

I was instantly impressed by just about everything at Changi: it's cleanliness, the shopping, the drink fountain sensors, the toilets (spacious & numerous!), the restaurants, the Sky Train, the prayer room. Yes, folks, Changi has its very own multidenominational prayer room! Naturally, I had to investigate, and I turned out to be the only person in the women's side of the room. It was a simple space, aside from the prayer mats, Koran and power points. [How you would possibly use four power points in a prayer room?]

I had to leave the room when my stomach started vibrating the walls of the room - I had noticed a particularly delicious-looking Nonya restaurant on the way [and the vegetable curry was excellent, btw]. Thankfully, my shoes were still outside the prayer room where I left them.

Despite a pretty fabulous experience overall, I had two disappointments:
  • The Coffee Bean had no handmade chocolates in stock [Peter, I was so full of expectation!]; and
  • I was not permitted to take sealed water purchased from the Departures Lounge onto the London flight. This resulted in annoyance, many excursions to the water fountain, and dehydration, from which I am still recovering.

    Next post: my 1st day in London!
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